WordPress 2.3.1 and other doodads

Does this look different? If not, you are probably reading this through the RSS feed and can just skip to the next item. Unless, of course the feed is now broken. Then, I really want to know.

But for those of you looking at this article on its own website, there has been an upgrade of components. This blog now runs:

  • WordPress 2.3.1 -the latest and greatest
  • Soleil theme, slightly modified. I like per-category RSS subscription buttons. I think it is important for the blogs with multiple barely overlapping topics
  • Bookmark and feed subscription buttons from AddThis. Hopefully, it does not slow down the blog too much. If it will, I will explore some other options.
  • Other Posts from the same Category plugin.
  • Akismet (of course)

Not everything is perfect yet, but it looks like a good step. If all goes well, this look will probably stay until WordPress 2.4, which is rumored to include a fully semantic theme, based on Sandbox.

I had a quick look at Sandbox for this switch, but the only interesting theme I found was incredibly heavy on the images and other downloadable elements. Much as I believe that this blog is best read through RSS or email subscription due to its aperiodic nature, I still don’t want to make the visitors of the website to get slow loading pages.

If you see anything odd or find a particular aspect extremely nice or annoying, do let me know in the comments or directly via email (listed on the About page).